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Learn to cook with coconuts
Learn to open coconuts and turn them into meals for your family.

FULL Coconut Cooking School
Lesson 1 - Lifecycle of the coconut tree
Learn the fascinating year round fruiting cycle and why it creates different types of coconuts.
Lesson 2 - Young coconuts and the Brazilian coconut key
How to identify & easily open drinking coconuts anywhere in the world.
Lesson 3 -Â Spoonmeat coconuts & machete technique
Get comfortable using a machete & learn to unlock the sweetest coconuts of all.
Lesson 4 - Shakers, brown coconuts, husking and scraping
Expierence opening the toughest, most useful age of coconut with ease.
Lesson 5 - Coconut oyster shooters
As seen on the food network, blow your dinner guests away with this incredible recipe.
Lesson 6 - Coconut noodles
Taste a new classic that was invented right here on our farm.
Lesson 7 - Coconut milk
This recipe will change your life, our tips & tricks make it easy.
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